It's been a few weeks since we bid the Farm farewell. We officially survived living in Waco and picked up some valuable skills. We learned some great songs and made some great friends. We literally had dirt behind our ears and ants in our pants. It was a great experience and I would recommend it to anyone. But before we left, Chris had one final goal he wanted to accomplish.
The Farm manages a 50 acre organic pecan orchard and harvest was to begin shortly before we left. But to our dismay, it was discovered that crows were invading the trees and eating our pecans. Chris was assigned the task of going to the orchard every morning and evening to try to shoot the pesky birds with a shotgun. Chris embraced this chore whole heartedly and in his enthusiasm he was compared to local Waco celebrity Ted Nugent. For those of you not familiar with Ted Nugent, apparently he is a musician who had some hits in the 80's and now has a hunting how-to show.
While Chris was patrolling the orchard, he noticed some craters in the dirt that appeared to be a tell tale sign of - get ready - wild pigs. Chris now knew what he wanted to cook at his birthday BBQ/going away party.
The first idea was to put a bunch of rotten pears into a box shaped trap to see if he could fool the pigs into the trap. That didn't work, so Chris decided to recruit some help. He managed to wrangle Matt and Nick into his pig catching plan and they decided since the pigs root around in the middle of the night, they would have to plan an all night hunt. Chris requested snacks, so Molly and I went to the grocery store and we packed up the guys with plenty of food and homemade chocolate chip cookies.
I think the hunt ended up being more like a guy slumber party with guns. Apparently the guys never saw even one pig the entire night, but that may be because they were all bundled up in their sleeping bags dozing all night. So, you may be surprised to hear that we didn't end up roasting a pig, but I think Chris enjoyed trying anyway.
these made me smile. especially the one of eddie, up to his usual habits.
i love the pictures! thanks for sharing
Hey guys, Nicholas here.
We sure miss you! Hope all is well, esp. with fellowship and the "One with whom we all have to do" :)
hey you two! i miss you both aroud here and appreciate you sharing your photos and your memeories! the farm will soon be memories for me too as i am heading to indiana in a few weeks! ~jocelyne
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