First of all - happy Thanksgiving. Please forgive us for neglecting the blog. We got caught up in suburban life. Chris and I are living in my parent's house on a cul-de-sac in Edmond, Oklahoma - just north of Oklahoma City. We joined a food co-op, located the farmer's market and found a place to get bubble tea. So, the critical things have been accomplished. Now, I can concentrate on more writing.
For those of you eagerly awaiting an update on Loya - here it is.
But first, for those of you who do not know who Loya is, I'll fill you in: she is our 2nd adopted kitty. We were walking along a creek, down the road from the Farm (it sounds nice and peaceful, but we were actually arguing about something that I can't remember anymore...), when I heard a tiny meow coming from some bushes nearby. I bent over and saw a tiny, black kitty head looking back at me. Next thing we know, this jet black, six-toed fuzzy creature is glued to our side, rubbing against our legs and purring. She had a zip-tie cord around her neck and was thirsty and starving. We gave her some water from our car, and some other people threw her some chicken-mc-nuggets from Mcdonalds (she threw up later that night). As we were talking to some other people about where the local animal shelter was located, she decided to jump into our car and settle in on my lap. And that was that. She decided we belonged to her ever since.
We were concerned that Loya would not adjust well to life in suburbia. She loved living on the farm - chasing mice, romping through the garden and pestering Eddie, an orange, male tomcat 3 times her size. When we packed up the car and put her in the back for the 4 hour drive to Oklahoma, she cried for half of the trip. Maybe she got it out of her system because after only a few days of being at the house, she became BFF with our other cat Bella. Bella tolerates her with minimal hostility, although I think she wishes she was once again the only cat back in her cozy apartment in NYC. Bella and Loya live with us upstairs and my parent's 2 cats live downstairs with them. Almost daily there are some pretty intense kitty fights. It's kinda like 2 kitty gangs - or kitty West Side Story.
Besides the kitty gang wars, Loya is doing great. She is experiencing all sorts of new and exciting things like drinking out of the toilet. She enjoys snuggling, eating and running up and down the stairs.
write more! i like to read your blogs. and i miss you guys and loya too. how was christmas? when is chris coming to dallas again?
HOW ARE YOU GUYS?!?! Has the baby been born? I lost track of how far along you were (amanda of course). And, again, miss you guys. Hope all is well.
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