We are in the midst of our fourth week on the farm (if you were getting worried about us, we've survived so far...).
Our first day on the farm was quite a shock. As we drove south into Texas, the temperature kept rising - until it hit 101. Our shack was stiflingly hot and the mosquitoes were brutal even with the heat. We procured a broom and a mosquito net, as well as an extension cord to connect a small light and fan. We were feeling a little better about the accommodations as we drifted off to sleep beneath our mosquito net. Sometime in the middle of that night we awoke to crashing and thrashing back and forth across the floor of our hut. Chris jumped out of the net to figure out what creature had invaded our hut (a snake? or raccoon? or a giant beetle???). It turns out that our cat, Bella, had somehow gotten herself stuck in fly tape and was running around the hut wildly trying to free herself only to make the entire length of adhesive stick to her backside. We pulled the tape off and spent the next two hours of the night combing the glue out of her fur. Good times.
We are still adjusting to life on a farm and living in simulated 3rd world housing. We've been fully welcomed into a thriving community of smart and engaging people who have helped us to plunge into daily tasks on the farm. So far we have milked goats, pulled weeds and worked in the garden planting seeds and harvesting veggies. Chris is also working on restoring a commercial stove for the farm kitchen. In our spare time we adopted an abandoned kitten who is thriving as a farm cat and apparently enjoys sleeping in the executive director's chair in his office upstairs while we are out working on the farm. (That might change when he comes back from vacation).
We hope to update this blog more frequently now that we are a bit more settled. We miss New York and we miss all our pals. Please drop us a line if you get a chance.