I knew this was going to happen.... I got lazy and haven't posted the rest of our cross country driving pix. We had a great drive through Virginia, West Virginia, Tenessee, Arkansas and Oklahoma. We were glad to arrive at my parents house to hang out with our family and enjoy nicer ammenities. (We were tired of drying off with oversized dishtowels at our "budget concious" motels). Tomorrow we take off again - FOR WACO!!! I was looking over the volunteer orientation packet for the farm this week and there is a section with a chore list on the list there are two curious bullet points that I will list here:
"Keep composting toliet trashcans filled with sawdust"
"Clean bathrooms once a week: men's (remember to push poop down the chute regularly)
I have no idea what this means. But if I have to "push poop down the chute" I suppose it will make for humorous blog material. I guess we will find out soon enough....
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