So, we headed out of Astoria with a jammed packed car and heavy hearts. Our car was packed with our most valuable and necessary items, which is why under the seats of our car Chris had stuffed 00 Flour and Italian olive oil. We had just left our home of 8 years, and incredible friends who actually helped us clean coagulated goo from our refrigerator in preparation to move.

Our first stop was our nation's capitol: Washington D.C.. We thought we were through with confusing and frustrating street parking scenarios, but to our dismay we encountered Washington D.C. parking nightmares when we pulled into our New Hampshire Avenue hotel at 10 o'clock at night only to discover that the parking lot that consisted of 7 spaces was completely full. In true New York style, Chris managed to wedge the car into a space not too far from the hotel and schlep our cat, Bella, and all of our possessions to the hotel.

The following day we decided to take in some sights, so we packed up Fuzzy into a duffel bag style carrier for kitties and proceeded to several monuments. As he usually does wherever he is, Chris managed to locate someone distributing controversial literature to add to his collection.

By the time we made our way through the Filipino cultural festival in front of the Capitol, we were hungry, grumpy and Fuzzy was panting strangely from being stuffed in her bag for a little bit too long. It was time to hit the road again...
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